My new family member is not the baby...she is staying in for a few months yet. I finally bought myself a
DSLR! I have been saving up for about 2 years and I have been waffling about which one to get. Well, Canon (I am a die hard Canon fan) came out with one that has video AND all the other non-professional bells and whistles and I had to get it.

It is the Rebel T1i and I love it. It did take some gentle prodding from my nice husband (have I thought of a nickname for him yet?) because I hate parting with large sums of money, especially on technology items. (It seems like as soon as I buy something, the next day it comes out faster and cheaper...)

It was time, so I did it, I went and bought my first camera. (It seems so silly to me, but all of my other cameras have been presents from my in-laws or my husband, they are good to me.)

Our garden is growing beautifully. Two years ago I received a "Scent garden" from
Schreiner's Iris farm. (I didn't realize that bearded irises were scented, let alone had many different scents.) At first I was thinking where am I going to put these....
arghhh more work, blah, blah blah. Eventually I put them right in our food garden, but close to our dining room window.

This year I have fallen truly in love with them. Each color has a different scent and they are the most beautiful colors. (This is a calla lily that I planted for my husband.)

(These are the only ones that I had from a different year.)

(Nope, this is just a shout out to all of the weeds that got pulled this weekend. The
ability of weeds to propagate never ceases to awe me.)

Here is one...

Here is one that I thought was going to be ugly, but it is so lovely. I love the way the sun shines through the ruffles. I can't decide what the scent is, but it smells nice. The dark purple/almost black ones (above) smell like anise. (which I like the smell of but NOT the taste.)

I especially like the way this new camera does faces....I think my little (but getting SO BIG ) Blondie is so sweet.

I must get on to some sewing for my pattern making class. I only have 2 sessions left this term. It is so great, but I am so challenged in this area. Really challenged. I am also a bit sad that I will probably not be able to continue in the series of classes until next year, because I think with the baby coming I am going to be sorta busy. We will see.
I have an exciting anniversary coming up, so stay tuned, there will be a give away. (Who doesn't love a give away?!!)
Peace this week.