Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap to it!

Where am I, and what have I been doing?
Mostly just trying to get a handle on the sugar consumption around here...
Yup, it has been a crazy month-- I am going to have to catch up around here in March.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Brlu... a blur

Hey, there I am... Let me see if I am getting this saying right, 'the years fly by while the minutes drag on and on.' Is that right? In the moment I am having such a time trying to stay on track, but when I look back on the last week and a half (and then the year before...) (Thank Goodness for instagram)....OH, that's what I have been up to. Thinking has been sort of a problem area for me these days, so I have just been doing things and then seeing how I feel after they are already done... This sounds silly written out, but just doing has created some sort of forward motion for me and this is a GOOD THING.
*This doll quilt (started in 2008, strike that 2010!!! Hooray! Sister quilt here) is halfway quilted- Finally found the right grey thread... a good thing (gt!)
*Hoop-up inspiration piece finished!! Thanks Badbird for the gratis' pattern! and thanks Marilyn for the heart idea, I just love it! (gt!)
*Shelter project DONE! (It was his project, but it brought back so many memories of procrastinating... I mean nightmares.) (gt!)
*Lot's of little Mango this week... she is always talking about "When I be a Woman..." Oh Jeez, can we just put a pin in that for a while little lady?!*Handwork bag for school raffle basket-- I used my scissors fabric (I need to use my favorite fabrics more--I am starting to amass so many that I am running out of room!)(gt!)
*Ode to Keats block- for the Pastiche Bee--inspired by these lines. (a very fun group, challenging, a bit intimidating, but SO fun)(gt!)
"...A feather on the sea,
Sway'd to and fro by every wind and tide?
Of as uncertain speed

As blow-ball from the mead?"

From "an Ode to Fanny"

*Walking in the freezing flooded areas near home. I like this picture, because you can't hear them grousing about being made to walk! (gt!)
*Finished Noro Garden fingerless mitts-- WITH a thumb! A new trick I learned, couldn't be easier, but was a little scary at first. I was proud of myself, because after I finished these and wore them for a few days, I found them to be too long. Instead of just throwing them in the closet, I tore out an inch in each hand and also reknit the thumb... SO LIBERATING!! (gt!)
*Finished a Good Luck Cowl from some handspun from the Black Sheep Gathering (just this past June!) I probably need to block it again to get the bottom scallops to turn out, but I have been cold and I am wearing it a lot. (this was actually finished right after Christmas-- but... c'est la vie)(gt!)

Good thing tally: at least 8-- good enough for me!

One last thing, just to keep me honest with myself and maybe someone out there has a helpful word. In these past few months, I signed up to see a counselor to deal with the loss of my mom. I went to 3 sessions and she just wasn't very helpful. Last week I went to a grief group through Hospice-- and WOW, what a lot of pain that was-- I kind of got freaked out after I got there and realized that everyone there was as sad as me (more or less) and that is a lot for one room. I told myself that I would maybe try another session, but then I am also thinking that maybe I am just not ready, or maybe it is not for me.

I just don't know.

For now I am just picking up my knitting, my sewing, my camera and doing something. I am hoping that some of the other will take care of itself, if I stay open to it. Is that too much to hope for?


-If you have any ideas and the comments are too public, send me an email-- what ever works, works, right?!