Wednesday, October 21, 2009

what to do today??

How's this for 2 posts in one week?? Hooray for me!
Today, Mango gifted me two hours of sewing, during which she slept in her car seat. First time ever folks!! I got to sew and move and there wasn't a baby to be found ON ME! SO EXCITED!

I do realize that they are only small for a short window of time. I have been loving all of the Momma-baby cozy time, but it was nice to sew ALONE!! Plus the house was quiet! For the first time in over a week... BOTH of the older Brothers were well and AT SCHOOL!!!

I worked on my "Traveling Threads" virtual bee blocks. I really want to keep the upper one. I don't know why I like it so much. I was making a kind of lame house and then I flipped it over and it made kind of a cool boat.

CHANGE OF PERSPECTIVE!! That is what is called for sometimes. For instance I was giving my kids LOTS of time-outs and basically being a crabby mommy... so I decided to make a positive chart and they could get stickers for when they were doing what they were supposed to. NOW, on a "bad" day I can go and look at the chart and if I have been doing a good job then there will be stickers there and I can remember that they were behaving better then, say earlier today...but let's not discuss it, OK?
Here was my extra block...I made it with some of the scraps from the first one... these blocks really made me excited about sewing again. I just LOVE the "good folks" fabric, but I have been too miserly with mine. Maybe I will cut it now?? I hope so!
Here is a peek at Little Blondie's "I spy Apartment House" quilt. It is getting so big. I finally put the roof on and I just need to add the side borders and then we will be in business for basting it up for quilting. Hooray!
Mango is screaming for her supper... gotta go!


Tonya Ricucci said...

whee fun, love the apartment house - very clever

connie said...

My, your blocks are very wonderful. But I think the apartment house I spy quilt is an incredible idea. It is such fun.

Lisa said...

I am trying to catch up on blog reading! I love the idea of the i spy apt house!!!! It is great!