Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Chug, chug, chug...

A week in reverse... Doll quilt swap #8 progress (due in a week, can any one say procrastinator's anonymous?)
Boys did yard clean up in our early spring sunshine... a flower for mom, my favorite color.
Started the week off here, the beautiful Oregon coast. Together in the Sun, sun, sun...

Between it all there have been 3 runny noses (fountains really), 2 ear infections and 2 parents that are worn thin.

I chose the right things to photograph. It is all I will remember in a year, thank goodness.


Tonya Ricucci said...

oh dear on all the colds. I'm with you there in the procrastinator's club. eek. Really fun quilt in progress though - looking great!

Yaz and Rob said...

Very serene.....