Sunday, June 01, 2008

Berry happy news!!!

I am so excited about the blog celebration, but FIRST...

I am the Auntie of the most BEAUTIFUL little girl. She looks just like a little elfin rosebud...if a person could look like that. She arrived on May 28th and her momma worked really hard to get that girl born. WOW, what a beautiful family. I have never seen my brother look so happy, so shiny! What a great discovery it is to find out that what you were waiting to be when you "grew-up" was a Daddy (or in my case a Mommy). I am only sad because they live all the way on the other coast, in Joi-sey. (I am sure that she will grow up with the cutest accent.) Hooray for babies and continuing life!

I found a sweet number picker at't that name rich? And the BIG OL' winner is LEAH!!!! I am so excited and the jmbmommy lovin' is going across the big water to Aussie land! I loved reading who everyone wanted to meet. One of my favorites was Dot...who wanted to meet Steven Tyler. That intrigues me...he would be interesting to meet. He has really lived an unreal life, but in some interviews he seems so normal. I would hope that he would wear leather pants... I mean, it is a signature item.

I would like to thank everyone for posting...blogging is a fun way for me to make the "big" world a bit smaller and friendly. Posting really pushes me to explore my creative interests instead of just thinking about it all the time. I am inspired by the things I read and see on all of your blogs. It is nice to have a global creative community! Thanks for being part of my world!

--Hey Leah, send me an email with your address info and I will send your goodies ASAP!


emilyruth said...

congratulations, auntie!
do we get to know her name?
or did i miss that?

congratulations on your blogging
i always love to read what you are up to
& your great observations on life
& what you think
& especially seeing your projects...
i admire how much you do, how beautiful it is & how you love doing it:)

you need to run for mayor of blogland soon:)

Diane said...

Ditto! I couldn't say it any better than emilyruth. Keep it up!

Yaz and Rob said...

So festive! I was too late, but better late thatn never. Love your blog too I can catch up with you even when I can't catch up with me.