Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weekend times...

Mmmmm, don't you just love a good smoothie?   I do.  I really have been craving fruits this pregnancy and smoothies always hit the spot.  This one was especially good.
I couldn't resist putting this picture in, mostly for myself, to remember this one's little personality quirks.  At our end of the year celebration for Brownie, little Blondie just really felt like he owned the park.  He asked me for help on one part of the play structure and after I suggested that he go up the twisty bar to figure out how to get on the main structure by himself, he just kept climbing across over and over again.  Apparently he felt like I was hovering and (I was just there in case he lost his grip, I swear.) because he kept telling me to "Stand and watch me from over there Mom, I need my space."  Then when we sat down for snack, he sat near me and laid down and ate on his back...(really funny).  When he realized that his big brother was eating near some other friends, he picked up his plate and left me ALL ALONE, because he "wanted to be near Brother."  So big, so fast, I guess it is a good thing I am having another baby, but I wonder if the 3rd will just come out ready to run off with her big brothers. (sniff, sniff, tear.)
Since my blog is the only journally type thing that I have been very faithful to over the past few years, some of my entries may be an "over-share" type thing to you all who read, but it has been nice to have some place to document what goes on in our lives from day to day.  

We moved in to our current house 9 years ago.  Our kitchen is small, but once we painted over the liver colored cabinets and brightened up the walls with a bit of yellow, it felt like ours.  Over the past 3 years the white from the cabinets has chipped, doors periodically fall off and the linoleum has curled and our kitchen has started to lose it's charm.  I think I also told my husband that I did not want another child learning to crawl on the disgusting painted linoleum floor in our "sunroom".  After much talking about it we are finally tearing out the cabinets and getting ready for the new one to be put in (Step 1!!)  I am so excited, but also so mortified this picture, WHAT A MESS!  We excavated 2 kinds of old wallpaper and a number of different wall colors...the yuckiest being a hospital scrub green in a really weird matte finish.  I can only imagine what it looked like next to the wall paper (I will take a picture later and share, it is ALMOST charming, but not quite.)
The best part (for me, I really haven't been doing much beyond making meals and keeping the husband supplied with Coke...the soda, not the drug...but it is a fine line.) is our Daddy has been doing such a fabulous job of employing the boys in the whole process.  He has been having SO much patience with them, much more than I would in a project like this.  The boys have been working hard unscrewing all of the screws and carrying drawers and things outside.  It has been wonderful watching all three of them work together, in a way that I am removed from (I don't know how that sounds, but it is one thing to organize your kids yourself and another to watch them work together in a totally different way not organized by you???  Do you get it?)
I did make a trip to IKEA this week end for a crib and some clothing storage solutions.  There was cardboard a-plenty, and while their dad tidied the garage an amazing thing was built...
A bizarre and funny little house.  They were so pleased because they said, "Even you can come in this one Mom!"  It was decorated with a rocking chair and some old kitchen drawers and the roof kept blowing in.  They were disappointed when they found out they couldn't stay out there over night with their stuffed animals.  Maybe we will have to get the cardboard out again later this week, ya think?


Clare said...

I think cardboard city is a great idea, providing it doesn't rain :-)

Lovely to see the boys helping Dad and giving you a bit of "me" time, although I bet you've still got eyes in the back of your head.

In my experience, girls tend to hang on to Mum's apron strings that little bit longer, but when they are ready to let go there is no stopping them.

Lily Boot said...

awesomely fun - I love changing things around, adore Ikea furniture (it's like lego for grown ups hey! I love building it and have been known to go back for more just so's I can keep building!) and as for that smoothie - I literally gasped the colours are so beautiful. We adore smoothies too.

Cher said...

I think that is cardboard heaven for little boys! set it up in the backyard and let them try to spend the boys were back inside within an hour...the idea is always more appealing than the reality at that age!

Tacha said...

Good for you craving fruits! I think I only ever craved chocolate both when I was pregnant and afterwards. In fact right now I could kill for a choccie!

susan said...

such a lovely little story and it will be nice to be able to go back to it, to read about your "past" life. did your little one really say he needed his space??? funny.