Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Let's try something new...Day ONE:

January 2, 2009
Hi friends,
I want to share this little cutie.  It was the December swap of our partner's 5 favorite things for this group.  Katy picked Robots, Red, Snowflakes, Houses and Woodland Creatures.  I had a wonderful time after Christmas hand quilting this while watching "McLeod's Daughters". (I am so addicted to that show...luckily I still have 4 more years worth of shows to watch!  I would also post a link, but I am concerned about seeing any spoilers.  No.  No. NO!)  I am starting to like hand quilting more and more.  I love doing the smaller projects by hand especially.

On to the meat of the post:

I am deep in the thralls of self-loathing.  Specifically, I have been saying a lot of mean things to myself about my physical self.

Not a good plan.  
Not who I want to be, and not what I want to hear.  

As a positive project, I am embarking on a daily positive thought about my body this month...maybe I can end on Valentine's day??  This can be my valentine to myself...
I think this is a better plan.

Day 1:
I like that I am 6 feet tall.

Feel free to participate if this is an issue for you too...there is entirely too much negative self-talk going around, I have heard it.  You don't have to post it publicly, you could even just make a list on an old piece of notebook paper and keep it in your night table drawer.  I am hoping that I can get back on track with finding the things that I like about my body instead of just focusing on what I don't like.  Join me!


Diane said...

Body image is sooo far down on my list of concerns that I seldom think of it. Basically, if my body works in any way, shape or form, I am grateful! This is not to discount the importance of body image to you,however. Know what I like about your body? (sounds kinda creepy coming from another woman doesn't it?) You have beautiful eyes that crinkle up with a big smile. You wear cool glasses which I can't seem to find in a bifocal style. And I love the way you look at things, both through the camera lens and from your perspective as a thoughtful, creative woman.

emilyruth said...

i like having a friend who is taller than me:)
(you & kate, that's about it!)

& i think
i will play along!
very good idea, my friend:)

i like my curly hair